Category: NEWS

  • Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 09.27.36

    Humans Behind Workforce Nutrition: A Case Study Booklet

    The “Humans Behind Workforce Nutrition: A Case Study Booklet” is a compilation of inspiring stories from seven companies that participated in the Workforce Nutrition Masterclass of 2023. As we navigate through the second half of the timeframe set for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the urgency to promote healthy lives and well-being for…

  • Learning from Leaders

    Webinar: Google and Healthy Food at Work

    In celebration of Sustainable Gastronomy Day on June 18th, the Workforce Nutrition Alliance (WNA) launched the first in a series of Lighthouse webinars, “Google and Healthy Food at Work.” These webinars are part of WNA’s Roadmap to the Paris Nutrition for Growth Summit 2025 (N4G 2025). This session, presented by WNA, The Consumer Goods Forum,…

  • Screenshot-2024-06-18-at-11.55.52

    Integrating environmental sustainability into Healthy Food at Work programmes

    In a paper last year, the Workforce Nutrition Alliance (WNA) highlighted the desire to integrate Workforce Nutrition indicators into ESG reporting. We focused mainly on the Social and Governance elements. This follow-up paper addresses the Environmental aspects of workforce nutrition and ESG reporting. The WNA has devised a four-pillar framework for successful workforce nutrition programmes,…