Guidebook series

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)

guidebook seriesGet your free copy of our guidebook series

Our guidebooks are free to download and offer simple steps your organisation can take to implement an effective workforce nutrition programme. There is a guidebook for each of our workforce nutrition themes: Healthy food at work, Nutrition education, Breastfeeding support, and Nutrition health checks. These guides are especially useful for organisations with limited resources.

GET YOUR COPYDownload in English

How to make healthy meals and snacks available to your employees.

How to build awareness among your employees on healthy nutrition choices

How to build nutrition into your employee health check routines

How to better understand and support breastfeeding mothers within your organisation.

TRANSLATIONSDownload in other languages

Download a package of all four guidebooks in another language. Currently our guidebooks are available in French, Spanish, Khmer and Bahasa Indonesia. Translations in Portuguese, Amharic, Urdu and Swahili will be coming soon.