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  • Kick-starting workforce nutrition: Workforce Nutrition Alliance will launch a new programme for companies in May 2022

    The Workforce Nutrition Alliance (WNA) will launch a new comprehensive three-step programme to help kick-start Workforce Nutrition (WFN) in international companies. The first step, two one-hour webinars called “Fast Track for Leaders”, offer executives the essentials for creating an effective WFN strategy and the necessary tools for successful implementation across their organisation. The second element,…

  • Companies with a combined total of over 5.5m million employees and workers along the supply chain committed to workforce nutrition in 2021

    The Workforce Nutrition Alliance (WNA) and its partners achieved outstanding results in 2021, the Year of Action for Nutrition. Commitments made by companies covered more than 5.5m employees and workers along the supply chain. This significant number came from ten companies that made public commitments on workforce nutrition. A further 21 organizations took part in WNA’s first technical…

  • Workforce Nutrition recognized as a win-win-win at N4G Summit

    The two-day 2021 Nutrition for Growth Summit (N4G) that wrapped up today, 8 December 2021, was a significant moment for workforce nutrition and for the Workforce Nutrition Alliance.  During this important global event, which brought together thousands of leaders from government, the United Nations, the private sector, civil society and more, workforce nutrition was recognized for…

  • Google announces workforce nutrition commitment at N4G Summit

    The two-day Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit 2021 kicked off today with commitments made by leaders of governments, companies, international organizations, the United Nations, civil society organizations, and others. Key among them was the high-level commitment made by Google in the area of workforce nutrition.  Citing the company’s partnership with the Workforce Nutrition Alliance — co-founded by…

  • Farmers using A Mobile Phone

    Bringing good nutrition to tea workers and their families and communities in Kenya

    Tea is now the second-most consumed beverage worldwide after water. More than 2 billion people globally consume tea at least once per day, and the industry continues to grow. It now employs more than 13 million people in tea production, including 9 million smallholder farmers – with 70% of global production from 8 million smallholder…

  • Food-and-agriculture-benchmarks-launch-crop_1632228489

    Overwhelming number of companies falling short on meeting Food and Agriculture Benchmarks, including workforce nutrition

    The World Benchmark Alliance has today announced the results of its 2021 Food and Agriculture Benchmarks, which evaluates the performance of 350 keystone companies – those with a disproportionate impact on the global food system – on key environmental, nutritional and social inclusion topics. It found that an overwhelming number are falling short on meeting key…