Humans Behind Workforce Nutrition: A Case Study Booklet

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The “Humans Behind Workforce Nutrition: A Case Study Booklet” is a compilation of inspiring stories from seven companies that participated in the Workforce Nutrition Masterclass of 2023. As we navigate through the second half of the timeframe set for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the urgency to promote healthy lives and well-being for all has never been more pronounced. This booklet aims to shed light on the vital link between employee nutrition and business sustainability, highlighting how investing in workforce health can drive positive outcomes for both individuals and organizations.

The Workforce Nutrition Alliance has been at the forefront of advocating for comprehensive workforce nutrition programs. By focusing on four key pillars, the WNA provides practical tools and resources that help businesses enhance employee health. Over the past four years, the WNA has reached over six million people, significantly advancing workplace nutrition on a global scale. Our 2023 Masterclass program has empowered companies to implement evidence-based nutrition strategies, fostering healthier, more productive work environments.

In this booklet, you will discover the journeys of our Masterclass participants, who have successfully integrated workforce nutrition into their business models. Their experiences offer valuable insights and best practices that can inspire your organization to prioritize employee well-being.

Join us in our mission to ensure that every workplace supports healthy nutrition, ultimately contributing to the greater goal of improved global health and well-being.

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